Friday 26 June 2015

Legal/ethical considerations

There is no legal issues with filming, I have filming premision for all my shooting locations with the locations being private and the owners, council and local police force informed that weapons will be used (Axe), which may interupt/scare dog walkers or passersby.

The only ethical issue is the use of fire, this could make viewer commit acts of arson, but the photos show it in the camping like setting, meaning that it isn't seen as harmful and bad.

Shooting Schedule

Date: 4th March 2014 - 9 P.M.

Title/Scene: No More Room In Hell

Location: Private land in Melbourn, Hertfordshire.

Description of photos:
The photos will be taken at night 

Many hazards that can be easily be avoidable by taking proper safety procedures. 

DSL Camera (Canon 600D)

Cast/ Crew:
Ben Breeze - Actor
Jacob Rand - Actor 
George McDermott - Photographer
Dan Atkins - Lighting

Risk assessment

The overall location within the location could be considered hazardous.

Recce of shoot location

The recce of the location was successful, the location looked overgrown and rusted, as if the world has let to nature as the zombies have left the world in rampage.

Purpose of my five photos

This photo gives the viewer the aspect of survival as we see a young man in raggish clothing scavenging and looking for equipment to survive, the flash look gives the impression that he was mid action as the photo was taken. 

This photo gives the viewer the idea that something bad has/ or is going to happen, with the axe hanging infront of a fire, this connotes dark thoughts as the axe blackens out the axe and makes it look sinister 

The Fire gives the impression of evil presence and that something bad is going to happen, this is given by the high use of red and black, which is usually connoted with bad thoughts, feelings, blood and death. 

The face gives the impression of a monster, and the idea of being watched by something, this is given by the use of red, which is usually symbolised with the devil. Making it centre of the image and having the rest black makes it the eye catching to the viewer. It could also connote that the monster is coming from the darkness.

The burnout fire gives connotes that something was here, but had to leave in a hurry, leaving the fire to still burn, for the film, this could mean that the people who left here had to leave or were killed 

Thursday 25 June 2015

Why and how were the images edited? My UK Film - No More Room In Hell

A few of the images chosen to be in my final booklet had editing techniques added to add a more negative look for the final document. The reason for editing the images is so that they all follow a similar moody look which would flow consistently throughout the booklet. Examples of this are that some images dark and moody which was the theme I was going for, but the ones that needed editing were too dark for the images to be recognisable. Theses changes i had to make as they didn't suit my film.

Before and after screenshots of the editing process on the images.

1. The Face

The original photo was too dark and could barely be seen, so I increased the brightness and slightly increased the contrast which make it more visible, but in return gave it a red-ish tone which could give the audience a dark and negative atmosphere which i want.

2. Barn

The original was too dark like The Face photo, so the image's brightness and lightness was brought up as well, giving of the light look, as if it's a torch.
The other editing technique i used was crop. I cropped the image slightly, taking out the hay which was on the left side.

 3. Ben

Originally ruined by another person, this image was deemed useless before editing,
but after cropping out the other person and making negative space for text, the image was now useful,
the image was intentionally blurred to add a more edgy look.

4. Fire

For this image the saturation was increased to make it more red and sharp, and the exposure was also slightly increased to make the fire seem more red and sharp.

5. Light

This image was edited to add more reds to the image, whilst taking away more of the darkness, this gave it more of a red background, giving the idea that it's giving off warmth. The saturation was also increased.

Why were the images edited?

The images used in my final booklet for my UK film No More Room In Hell, some had to be edited because the image taken on the camera did not fit the horror look which I wanted for the booklet. I wanted the final product to be negative and moody throughout the whole thing, which means the images used needed to be dark and moody. When taking the images - the time of shooting made the photos come out dark and unclear, at first this seemed to had made all the photos to be deemed useless, but after editing they were restored and added a blurry and negative effect which gave them a scary look. I did this by putting them into in Adobe Photoshop CS6 suite and started to changing the images with increased brightness and adding motion effect to some of the images. 

The use for all the images that I have taken and included in the final booklet for No More Room In Hell is for them to be used for commercial use of the film. The images used show a small photos on what could be featured in the film and to show the audience what the tone and atmosphere of the film.